
Roseau is the capital and the major city of Dominica. We visited there several times during our stay in Dominica and I took hundreds of photographs there.

Most of my pictures from Roseau are on separate Roseau photo pages. Below, there are images mostly about people, including some other shots too.

We spent first few night in Roseau at Kent Anthony Guest House after which we stayed a couple of nights at Ma Bass Central Guest House. For our last week in Dominica we rented a flat in a nearby suburb called Wallhouse.

Roseau from the sea Bay Front Braiding Braids Rose's Lime

Kent Anthony Guest House Washroom Washroom door Netball stadium Purity rally

Botanical Gardens gate Crushed schoolbus Banyan tree Roti Cow dog

Dominica Museum Carib artifacts La Robe Creole Pearl's Restaurant Cartwheel Café

Roofs Blue morning Harry and Mari Dominica mail history More mail history

Christmas is coming Bar in Goodwill Bath Estate man Legend of the Seas Scientology boat


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page of each photograph.

See also:

Guadeloupe 2007

Photos from Roseau

Creative Commons
Most of the photographs at this site are licensed under a Creative Commons licence. See page of each image for further information.