Photos of places : Roseau : Newtown & Castle Comfort
Newtown is the oldest suburb of Roseau. On some maps, it is called 'Charlotte Town' which was supposed to be the new name for whole Roseau by the British. New city centre was planned in Newtown area. The plan was never realized.
Newtown is located on the seashore. Most of the houses are built on the two sides of Victoria Street that goes through the whole suburb following the sealine from Roseau Downtown in the northwest to Castle Comfort in the southeast. Many of the buildings are old vernacular wooden houses.
This page has also pictures from the Castle Comfort area which has several hotels on the seaside and some modern suburban housing on the hill.
Roseau photographs of this site are taken by Niko Lipsanen. The pictures on this page are taken in November and December, 2007. Older images (taken in 1999 and 1993) can be found at the old Roseau Photo Gallery.
See also: